Contact Us

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

Emily Munns
Director of Public Affairs
(407) 414-5011

Lori Rucker
Outreach Specialist
(407) 574-9481

Rebecca Mathis
Media Specialist
(407) 279-0610

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I'm looking for the scoutmasters for the Hunter Creek Ward and the Lake Nona Ward. I'm the ADC with the Sand Lake BSA District and these two wards are within our district. It is recharger time for the troops and packs of the district and we wanted to make sure your units completed this key event to keep the units in good standing with BSA. If you could have the scoutmaster or someone from the Youngmens call the district off, they can help you get your packages to complete or call me, Bro Mick McCabe at 407-347-9437, thanks
