In chapters 18-20, the Lord institutes the sacrament, ordains the Twleve, ministers to the people, prays for them and performs miracles. Regarding the sacrament, Christ declared it was a “testimony unto the Father that ye do always remember me. And if ye do always remember me ye shall have my Spirit to be with you” (3 Nephi 18:7). As Christ teaches about prayer, He declares that we must “pray always” and “whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you” (3 Nephi 18:18, 20). And as we pray in our families, our wives and children will be blessed (verse 21).
I couldn’t help but reflect on the faith necessary in prayer. I’m confident others have felt like I have...that “good” intentions in prayer often seemingly go unanswered. How often has a righteous son or daughter of our Heavenaly Father prayed for the miraculous recovery of a loved-one (sick or otherwise afflicted) only to witness that very same loved-one’s death or continued spiral into afflication? How often have we personally asked for help without immediate and obvious response? I know that life’s experiences can often seem overwhelming. Sometimes, despite our faith, it’s difficult to see the understand the process. There is much I don’t know. But, I know a few important things, born of personal experience and confirmed by the Spirit: 1) Jesus is the Christ and our Savior; 2) prayers are answered and answers are understood in the Lord’s timing and in His way; He isn’t keeping things from us but rather he is delivering His peace and His direction according His perfect understanding of our needs. And 3) this is His church on earth, led by His prophets; as we obediently follow, our faith increases, our sensitivity to the Spirit is magnified and our ability to receive and understand answers to all of our prayers is increased.
Please keep the faith, keep being obedient, and keep praying and the Lord will bless you in the most important ways this Thanksgiving and Christmas season.
Please keep the faith, keep being obedient, and keep praying and the Lord will bless you in the most important ways this Thanksgiving and Christmas season.