Friday, October 18, 2013

Day of Service 2013 - Project Details

The following is a list of projects that will be completed as part of our day of service at Cypress Park Elementary. Each ward has been assigned to a specific project. Some tools and supplies will be needed, please direct any questions to the project leaders listed below.

All able bodies (4 and up) that can work should to go to the school at 9:00 am to help with the projects listed.  Any older members or mothers with small children can help at the stake center at 9:00 am.  Lunch will be served at 12:00 pm at the school. 

The projects and leaders and ward assignments are as follows:
St. Cloud: Jarom Fertic/Adam Arrington
Kissimmee: Bryan Melick
Pleasant Hill: Chad Tucker
Poinciana: Clark Leishman
Lake Nona: Spencer Meadows
Hunters Creek: Cameron Kober
YSA Branch: Nolan Beatty

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Volunteer Registration

Volunteers who will be helping at Cypress Park Elementary have until October 25th to register with the Orange County Public Schools volunteer program, ADDitions. Just click the link below and select "Click Here To Proceed To Volunteer Management System" at the bottom of the page. Please read the instructions on the page before you begin to register.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Are you ready to serve?

Our stake Day of Service is only  two weekends away! Come join us at Cypress Park Elementary School and help beautify their campus with general landscaping, replanting flower beds, painting the school exterior, and much more.  Remember to register with Orange County Public Schools volunteer program, ADDitions School Volunteers Management System. Just click the link below and select "Click Here To Proceed To Volunteer Management System" at the bottom of the page. Please read the instructions on the page before you begin to register.

If you are unable to help at the school we invite you to come help sort the donations that have been collected at the stake center, which will be delivered to the school that day.

Lunch will be served at Cypress Park Elementary, those who help at the stake center are invited to join us there.  The school is less than 5 miles from our stake center!

Driving Directions from Stake Center
4.3 mi, 8 mins

1. Head northeast on W Wetherbee Rd toward Bohannon Blvd   
2. Turn left onto Co Rd 527/S Orange Ave   
3. Turn right onto 4th St   
4. Turn right onto 11th Ave, Destination will be on the left

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